mitch & brandon

Born in Zimbabwe, raised in the UK, and currently residing in Montenegro—the Spalding Brothers’ current mission is to build an off-grid, self-sustainable Compound in the mountains of Montenegro.Here, Men can unite as a Brotherhood, living and training together, empowered to reach their highest Divine Masculine potential.Fighting, Dance, Spirituality, Freedom, Cold Exposure, Furniture-free Living, Fiction Books, Essential Oils, Whole Foods, Crystals, and Holistic Fashion, are all things you can associate with the Spalding Brothers...

strength of character

being a man

Mitch & Brandon believe that in order for a Man to reach his highest potential, he must welcome self-inflicted adversity into his life.From fighting to taking cold showers every morning; from sleeping on the floor to learning how to dance with a woman; from welcoming ALL opportunities and taking BIG risks in life, Mitch & Brandon believe that through self-inflicted discomfort, Men can build their Strength of Character and feel a sense of fulfilment in their lives.Between them, Mitch & Brandon have competed internationally in MMA, Boxing, BJJ, Kickboxing, and Wrestling.

all-natural, non-toxic.

holistic lifestyle

Mitch & Brandon embody what it means to live an All-Natural, Non-Toxic Lifestyle.This means seeking a simpler, more primitive approach to everyday life.The Spalding Brothers advocate for...🥩 Organic Whole Foods over Artificial, Processed Foods👕 Natural Fibre Clothing over Synthetic Clothing🕯️ Daylight & Candlelight over Artificial Blue Light🪷 Pure Essential Oils & Natural Remedies over Western Medicine & Big Pharma🧴 Homemade, Organic Toiletry Products over Mainstream Conventional Products🎵 High Vibrational Music over Low Vibrational Music📖 Reading Physical Books over Looking at Screens🌞 Living in Harmony with Nature over Modern TechnologyMost importantly, they advocate for free thinking as opposed to blindly following the closed-mindedness of society and the mainstream media.


© 2024 Spalding Brothers.
All Rights Reserved.

unlock your aesthetic potential

the alpha aesthetic

The Alpha Aesthetic is the ONLY guide you need to unlock your ultimate aesthetic potential.This is straight-to-the-point, no-nonsense guidance, tailored for Men seeking to optimise their appearance while embracing high vibrational health and a natural, non-toxic lifestyle.Unlike preaching generic, passing trends, The Alpha Aesthetic offers a timeless and one-of-a-kind perspective guaranteed to give you an unmatched physical presence...


your way out

sovereign strategy

The Sovereign Strategy embodies the culmination of ALL the questions and exercises we've undertaken to gain profound clarity on our life's purpose and the means to achieve it.It's the driving force behind our transformative journey – the catalyst that led us to sell everything we owned and establish a sanctuary amidst the Montenegrin mountains.It's the reason we slashed our tax burden from 40% to 11%, the reason why we abandoned conventional pensions to pursue generational wealth.And it holds the potential to enact similar profound changes in your life too, should you embrace its guidance...


the secrets of successful men

sacred scroll

The Sacred Scroll unveils a comprehensive battle strategy that can be applied to ALL areas of Male life.From navigating daily interactions to orchestrating high-stakes professional engagements, its wisdom offers guidance for EVERY scenario.Whether you want to progress in your career, gain respect from peers, evolve into a leader, win a fight, or create a more admirable reputation for yourself, the Sacred Scroll serves as an unwavering compass.Its versatility is unmatched and renders it truly sacred... a timeless blueprint for success in all facets of Male existence.


private. secure. anonymous

digital ghost

Digital Ghost is the ultimate solution for those seeking privacy, security, and anonymity online.Catering to beginners and experts alike, it offers three distinct levels, ensuring ease of use and the ability to implement its teachings at your own pace.With clear, step-by-step instructions, Digital Ghost equips you with everything necessary to reclaim your digital freedom in today's dystopian world.




  • The Alpha Aesthetic teaches you how to unlock your aesthetic potential as a Man (Value: $35)

  • Sovereign Strategy will give you everything you need to achieve true freedom in the modern world (Value: $62)

  • Sacred Scroll will act as your compass as you navigate life as a Man (Value: $44)

  • Digital Ghost will reveal all of the steps you can take to achieve privacy, security, and anonymity online (Value: $53)




© 2024 Spalding Brothers.
All Rights Reserved.


work together


© 2024 Spalding Brothers.
All Rights Reserved.

get back on track

morning routine

Referred to as “The greatest morning routine of all time” by Men who have experienced it... Need I say more than that?Try it for yourself and experience the life-changing results that come when you implement this unmatched, all-encompassing, bulletproof morning routine...

know thyself

the three ways

Miyamoto Musashi said there are 3 Ways a Man can pass through life that will bring him purpose and fulfilment.In a world FULL of unfulfilled Men working soul-crushing jobs, only those who recognise their personality type and find a path that aligns with their deepest calling will live a life of purpose, meaning and fulfilment.It is said that every Man will find purpose in at least one of these Ways...Learn the Ways and find out which one aligns with your personality to gain crystal clarity and direction in your life..


© 2024 Spalding Brothers.
All Rights Reserved.

events, retreats & experiences

transform your life

Our purpose reaches far beyond an online community.We are the architects of once-in-a-lifetime experiences that will reshape your life in ways you never thought possible.Located in Eastern Europe, with access to Land, Multiple Properties, Sea, Mountains, Boats, Organic Food and more, Members of The Alliance can meet in an unparalleled setting.Our network of connections and extensive resources ensure that each event is an unforgettable experience.Our Alliance Retreats are designed to show you a Way of life you've NEVER experienced...To inspire you and show you what is possible for your own life, when you completely reject the life path of the average Man.Details around Events and Experiences can be found in The Private Group.

represented by the saint

strength of character

Your Strength of Character is WHO YOU ARE as a Man, and the virtues you live by.To become the best Man you can be, it is imperative to have Strength of Character: someone with courage, honour, strength and gratitude.Someone who can do what must be done for the greater good of himself and those around him.That is why Men of The Alliance embrace discomfort and use self-inflicted adversity to enhance their Strength of Character, choosing to take cold showers, sleep on firm surfaces, fight and more to become stronger Men.

represented by the warrior


Your Physical Prowess is your physical capability as a Man.To be the best Man you can be, you need to be the most capable Man you can be.And to become capable, you must incorporate MULTIPLE Ways of training into your life...From Weight Lifting to Calisthenics, from Martial Arts to Parkour, recognizing the value in each Way of training will allow you to become the most all rounded and capable Man you can be.Members of The Alliance strive to be strong, fast, flexible, healthy, and CAPABLE - and our training reflects this.

represented by the ethereal

spiritual evolution

Your Spiritual Evolution represents the vibrational frequency you are operating on.Humans are energetic beings that emit a vibrational frequency into the world.When you adjust your vibrational frequency, you have the power to transform the airwaves around you...Every intention you have.
Every thought you think.
Every action you take.
All directly influences and shapes your world.Because the Universe responds to your frequency.If you are vibrating on the frequency of fear, shame and guilt, you will attract things of a similar vibration.If you are vibrating on the frequency of gratitude, love and abundance, you are going to attract things that support that frequency...Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality - it can be no other way.That's why Members of The Alliance are raising their vibrational frequency with...🥩 Whole Foods
🌞 Sunlight
🪷 Essential Oils
🏞️ Nature
🧵 Natural Fibres
🔮 Crystals
🎵 High Vibrational Music
🧘🏻 Meditation
🙏 Gratitude
And More...

represented by the sovereign


Your Freedom is about being completely liberated from Individuals, Corporations and Governments.From achieving financial and geographical freedom, to having access to essential resources, to being private and secure online...To be the BEST Man you can be, you must strive to achieve complete sovereignty over your life so that you can take care of those closest to you.

represented by the seeker

skill set

Your Skill Set represents all the skills you have as a Man.From cooking to survival skills, from chess to dancing - the more valuable skills you have as a Man, the better your life will be.Members of The Alliance are encouraged to pursue the skills that they are passionate about, and to acquire as many different skills as they can to become the most all rounded and DIVERGENT Men possible.

represented by the icon

PHYSICAL presence

Your Physical Presence represents your appearance.Health and Beauty are interlinked, so the healthier you are, the more attractive you are...Improving your Physical Presence is about OPTIMISING yourself, amplifying your strengths and neutralizing your weaknesses by levelling up your style, body language, hairstyle, and more to become the healthiest, and most attractive Man you can be.

our brotherhood

the divergent alliance

The Divergent Alliance is our FREE Telegram group, made up of Men who are ALL IN on fulfilling their potential and becoming the BEST Men they can be.They do this by mastering what we call The Six Realms of Divergence...

the divergent way

the six realms of divergence

The Six Realms of Divergence is a system created by us, and designed to unlock a Mans FULL potential, leaving no stone unturned...The Six Realms represent the 6 most important areas of life that a Man must focus on improving to become the BEST version of himself.It is these Realms that members of The Divergent Alliance commit themselves to.Do you have what it takes to master The Six Realms?

Tap the cards below to learn about each Realm...

intimate network

inside the alliance

Our Private Group is where Members discuss their training and engage in valuable discussions on their journey to becoming Divergent.Questions get ANSWERED.Problems get SOLVED.Members of The Alliance are encouraged to ask ANY & ALL questions that will bring them closer to their goals, thereby exponentially accelerating their growth process.Members connect with other like-minded Men and forge lifelong bonds with Brothers who share their world view and want to become the best version of themselves...Every day we are sharing our wins, transformations and profound discussions on the Six Realms of Divergence, so that we can all get better each day and fulfil our highest potential...

A life of meaning, purpose, & fulfilment

see what members are up to


see what members say

You should NOT join The Alliance if...

  • You do NOT want to be a part of an intimate Brotherhood

  • You do NOT want to reach your highest potential

  • You are happy with your life exactly as it is and seek no improvement

  • You do NOT want to expand your network and make true friendships

  • You are not prepared to take EXTREME action to achieve your goals

You should join The Alliance if...

  • You want to belong to a Brotherhood of capable Men

  • You care about reaching your highest potential

  • You seek change in your life, knowing you are destined for something more than the path you're currently pursuing

  • You want to expand your network and become friends with REAL Brothers who have your back

  • You are prepared to take EXTREME action to achieve your goals

begin your journey

join the alliance today

If you believe The Divergent Alliance is for you, click "Join The Alliance" and DM Brandon the word "Alliance" to get started.I'll see you soon Brother...


© 2024 Spalding Brothers.
All Rights Reserved.